Floating Point Numbers

We’ve looked at integers, what happens with real numbers?

We’ve looked at how real numbers could be stored in binary, is this what happens?

2y Means 2-y Means
20 1    
21 2 2-1 0.5 : 1/2
22 4 2-2 0.25 : 1/4
23 8 2-3 0.125 : 1/8
24 16 2-4 0.0625 : 1/16

So the number 101.11 is

  • 1 * 22 -> 1 * 4 -> 4
  • plus 2 * 21 -> 0 * 2 -> 0
  • plus 3 * 20 -> 1 * 1 -> 1
  • plus 4 * 2-1 -> 1 * 0.5 -> 0.5
  • plus 5 * 2-2 -> 1 * 0.25 -> 0.25

Which is 4 + 0 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.25 = 5.75.

Now, the issue here is that we need to know where the decimal point is and if we fix its position then we end up with a limited range of possible numbers that can be stored - either a small difference between the lowest and highest number or a small precision (number of digits after the decimal point).

Scientific Notation

The solution comes from adapting scientific notation to binary.

In scientific notation we store numbers in the format X * 10Y

X here is referred to as the mantissa, Y as the exponent.

This has a number of advantages.

  • We can store very large numbers : 300,000,000 becomes 3.0 * 108
  • We can store very small numbers : 0.000000000001 becomes 1.0 * 10-12
  • It makes multiplying two numbers very easy. We multiply the mantissa and add the exponents.
    • 3.0 * 108 * 1.0 * 10-11
    • = (3.0 * 1.0) * 10(8+ (-12))
    • = 3.0 * 10-4

Scientific Notation In Binary

First let’s start by converting a decimal number to binary to see how this looks.

10.75 -> 1010.11 in binary

We put this in scientific notation by

  • making the mantissa equal to the number with the decimal point moved to the left of the first 1 -> 0.101011
  • making the exponent equal to the number of places the decimal point was moved (left is +ve, right is -ve) -> 4 -> 100 in binary

So how is this actually stored? Well its fiddly and hard to get your head round. It goes like this..

Floating Point In Memory

A typical 32 bit floating-point is stored in memory with three fields

  • sign
  • exponent
  • significand (mantissa)
| |        |                       |
 ^    ^                ^
 |    |                |
 |    |                +-- significand(width- 23 bit) 
 |    |
 |    +------------------- exponent(width- 8 bit) 
 +------------------------ sign bit(width- 1 bit)


  • We know this from earlier, 0 = positive, 1 = negative.
  • The next 8 bits are used for the exponent which can be positive or negative, but instead of reserving another sign bit, they’re encoded such that 1000 0000 represents 0, so 0000 0000 represents -128 and 1111 1111 represents 127. Significand
  • The remaining 23-bits used for the significand(AKA mantissa). Each bit represents a negative power of 2 countings from the left, so:
01101 = 0 * 2^-1 + 1 * 2^-2 + 1 * 2^-3 + 0 * 2^-4 + 1 * 2^-5 
      = 0.25 + 0.125 + 0.03125 
      = 0.40625

Lets walk through converting a decimal number to a binary float.

Adapted from [https://dev.to/visheshpatel/how-floating-point-no-is-stored-memory-47od]

Lets consider the float value 3.14(PI) as an example.

  1. Sign: Zero here, as PI is positive!
  2. Exponent Calculation
    • 3 is 0011 in binary
    • 0.14 is
0.14 x 2 = 0.28, 0

0.28 x 2 = 0.56, 00

0.56 x 2 = 1.12, 001

0.12 x 2 = 0.24, 0010

0.24 x 2 = 0.48, 00100

0.48 x 2 = 0.96, 001000

0.96 x 2 = 1.92, 0010001

0.92 x 2 = 1.84, 00100011

0.84 x 2 = 1.68, 001000111

And so on . . .
  • So, 0.14 = 001000111...
  • Add 3 + 0.14 -> 11.001000111… with exp 0 (3.14 * 20)
  • Now you only have to add the bias of 127 to the exponent 1 and store it(i.e. 1 + 127 = 128 = 1000 0000) 0:1000 0000:1100 1000 111...
  • Forget the top 1 of the mantissa (which is always supposed to be 1, except for some special values, so it is not stored), and you get: 0:1000 0000:1001 0001 111...
  • So our value of 3.14 would be represented as something like:
    0 10000000 10010001111010111000011
    ^     ^               ^
    |     |               |
    |     |               +--- significand = 0.7853975
    |     |
    |     +------------------- exponent = 1
    +------------------------- sign = 0 (positive)
  • The number of bits in the exponent determines the range (the minimum and maximum values you can represent).

Significand/Mantissa Notes

  • If you add up all the bits in the significand, they don’t total 0.7853975(which should be, according to 7 digit precision). They come out to 0.78539747.
  • There aren’t quite enough bits to store the value exactly. we can only store an approximation.
  • The number of bits in the significand determines the precision.
  • 23-bits gives us roughly 6 decimal digits of precision. 64-bit floating-point types give roughly 12 to 15 digits of precision.

Note Also

  • Some values cannot represent exactly no matter how many bits you use. Just as values like 1/3 cannot represent in a finite number of decimal digits, values like 1/10 cannot represent in a finite number of bits.
  • Since values are approximate, calculations with them are also approximate, and rounding errors accumulate.