
  1. General
  2. In Browser
  3. Creating A New Project
  4. Coding In is an online browser based compiler that supports a wide range of programming languages. Code is written directly in a browser, compiled and executed on’s server and the output is sent back to the browser. This ensures that all students have access to the same software without installation issues. Additionally because the code is compiled and executed remotely on’s servers it ensures that any computer with a browser and an internet connection can be used.

You can sign up for a account for free at I recommend you do so using your York St John email account address. In Browser

repli.t can be embedded within a webpage. I will do this throughout the webpages for this module, allowing me to illustrate with runnable code. It will also be used for some exercises that accompany the lessons.

Below is an example of running Java.

Creating A New Project

  1. Log in to
  2. Click “+New repl” at the top of the lefh hand bar.
  3. Choose the language you wish to work in
    • Assembly Language projects require a couple more steps, see below.
  4. Enter a name for your project ( calls projects “repl”s)
  5. Click create repl
  6. You should be taken to your new project.

Coding In

Your project should look like this when first set up.

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The bar on the left-hand side shows the files that are in the project.
alt text You can add new files (and folders) by clicking on the buttons next to “Files”.

On the side are three symbols.
Files shows you the files in your project
Version Control takes you to your repository options
Settings shows project settings

The centre section shows the content of the files in the project. This is your coding window.
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The “Run” button in the middle of the top bar will compile and execute your project.
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The right hand section shows the output of your. This includes the compile output. You can also enter commands here.
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